Source code for

#    This file is part of NEORL.

#    Copyright (c) 2021 Exelon Corporation and MIT Nuclear Science and Engineering
#    NEORL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the MIT LICENSE


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Created on Sun Jun 14 13:45:54 2020
#@author: Majdi and Paul

import random
import math
import numpy as np
import copy
import joblib
from neorl.evolu.discrete import mutate_discrete, encode_grid_to_discrete 
from neorl.evolu.discrete import decode_discrete_to_grid, encode_grid_indv_to_discrete
from neorl.utils.seeding import set_neorl_seed
from import get_population, check_mixed_individual

[docs]class SA: """ Parallel Simulated Annealing :param mode: (str) problem type, either ``min`` for minimization problem or ``max`` for maximization :param bounds: (dict) input parameter type and lower/upper bounds in dictionary form. Example: ``bounds={'x1': ['int', 1, 4], 'x2': ['float', 0.1, 0.8], 'x3': ['float', 2.2, 6.2]}`` :param fit: (function) the fitness function :param cooling: (str) cooling schedule, choose ``fast``, ``boltzmann``, ``cauchy``,``equilibrium``. The ``equilibrium`` mode is only valid with ``ncores > 1`` (See **Notes** below) :param chain_size: (int) number of individuals to evaluate in the chain every generation (e.g. like ``npop`` for other algorithms) :param Tmax: (int) initial/maximum temperature :param Tmin: (int) final/minimum temperature :param chi: (float or list of floats) probability of perturbing every attribute of the input ``x``, ONLY used if ``move_func=None``. For ``ncores > 1``, if a scalar is provided, constant value is used across all ``ncores``. If a list of size ``ncores`` is provided, each core/chain uses different value of ``chi`` (See **Notes** below) :param move_func: (function) custom self-defined function that controls how to perturb the input space during annealing (See **Notes** below) :param reinforce_best: (str) an option to control the starting individual of the chain at every generation. Choose ``None``, ``hard``, ``soft`` (See **Notes** below). :param lmbda: (float) ONLY used if ``cooling = equilibrium``, control the cooling rate, and the speed at which the algorithm converges. :param alpha: (float) ONLY used if ``cooling = equilibrium``, control the initial temperature of the cooling schedule. :param threshold: (float) ONLY used if ``cooling = equilibrium``. The threshold (in %) for the acceptance rate of solution under which the algorithm stops running. :param ncores: (int) number of parallel processors (``ncores > 1`` is required for ``cooling = equilibrium``) :param seed: (int) random seed for sampling """ def __init__ (self, mode, bounds, fit, cooling='fast', chain_size=10, Tmax=10000, Tmin=1, chi=0.1, move_func=None, reinforce_best='soft', lmbda = 1.5, alpha = 1.5, threshold = 10 ,ncores=1, seed=None): set_neorl_seed(seed) self.seed=seed #--mir self.mode=mode if mode == 'max': elif mode == 'min': def fitness_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return -fit(*args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('--error: The mode entered by user is invalid, use either `min` or `max`') self.bounds=bounds self.reinforce_best=reinforce_best self.ncores=ncores self.npop=chain_size self.threshold = threshold #assert npop % self.ncores == 0, 'The number of population (npop) to run must be divisible by ncores, {} mod {} != 0'.format(npop,self.ncores) self.Tmax=Tmax self.Tmin=Tmin if isinstance(chi, list): assert len(chi) == ncores, 'The list of chi values ({}) MUST equal ncores ({})'.format(len(chi),self.ncores) self.chi=chi elif type(chi) == float or type(chi) == int: self.chi=[chi]*ncores else: raise Exception ('for chi, either list of floats or scalar float are allowed') assert cooling in ['fast', 'boltzmann', 'cauchy', 'equilibrium'], '--error: invalid cooling is provided' assert reinforce_best in ['soft', 'hard', None], '--error: invalid `reinforce_best` option is provided' self.cooling=cooling self.equilib_deactivate=False if self.cooling == 'equilibrium' and self.ncores == 1:#Paul. The equilibrium cooling is only available with multiple chains working at the same time. print("-- warning: equilibrium cooling is implemented ONLY for ncores > 1. The cooling is changed to default cooling --> 'fast'") self.cooling = 'fast' self.equilib_deactivate=True if not self.cooling=='equilibrium':# Paul self.T=Tmax #initialize T else: self.lmbda = lmbda self.alpha = alpha self.move_func=move_func if self.move_func is None: self.move=self.def_move else: self.move=move_func #infer variable types self.var_type = np.array([bounds[item][0] for item in bounds]) #mir-grid if "grid" in self.var_type: self.grid_flag=True self.orig_bounds=bounds #keep original bounds for decoding #print('--debug: grid parameter type is found in the space') self.bounds, self.bounds_map=encode_grid_to_discrete(self.bounds) #encoding grid to int #define var_types again by converting grid to int self.var_type = np.array([self.bounds[item][0] for item in self.bounds]) else: self.grid_flag=False self.bounds = bounds self.orig_bounds=bounds self.dim = len(bounds)[self.bounds[item][1] for item in self.bounds] self.ub=[self.bounds[item][2] for item in self.bounds] def GenInd(self, bounds): #""" #Individual generator #Input: # -bounds (dict): input paramter type and lower/upper bounds in dictionary form #Returns: # -individual (list): individual position #""" content=[] for key in bounds: if bounds[key][0] == 'int': content.append(random.randint(bounds[key][1], bounds[key][2])) elif bounds[key][0] == 'float': content.append(random.uniform(bounds[key][1], bounds[key][2])) elif bounds[key][0] == 'grid': content.append(random.sample(bounds[key][1],1)[0]) else: raise Exception ('unknown data type is given, either int, float, or grid are allowed for parameter bounds') ind=list(content) return ind def sampler(self,bound): #""" #This function takes input as [type, low, high] and returns a sample #This is to sample the input parameters during optimisation #""" if bound[0] == 'int': sample=random.randint(bound[1], bound[2]) elif bound[0] == 'float': sample=random.uniform(bound[1], bound[2]) elif bound[0] == 'grid': sample=random.sample(bound[1],1)[0] else: raise Exception ('unknown data type is given, either int, float, or grid are allowed for parameter bounds') return sample def ensure_bounds(self, vec): # bounds check vec_new = [] for i, (key, val) in enumerate(self.bounds.items()): # less than minimum if vec[i] < self.bounds[key][1]: vec_new.append(self.bounds[key][1]) # more than maximum if vec[i] > self.bounds[key][2]: vec_new.append(self.bounds[key][2]) # fine if self.bounds[key][1] <= vec[i] <= self.bounds[key][2]: vec_new.append(vec[i]) return vec_new def fit_worker(self, x): #This worker is for parallel calculations of the GWO # Clip the wolf with position outside the lower/upper bounds and return same position x=self.ensure_bounds(x) if self.grid_flag: #decode the individual back to the int/float/grid mixed space x=decode_discrete_to_grid(x,self.orig_bounds,self.bounds_map) # Calculate objective function for each search agent fitness = return fitness def def_move(self, x, chi): #""" #This function is to perturb x attributes by probability chi #Inputs: # x: input vector # chi: perturbation probablity between 0 and 1 #Returns: perturbed vector x #""" i=0 x_new=x.copy() for item in self.bounds: if random.random() < chi: sample = self.sampler(self.bounds[item]) while x_new[i] == sample and (self.bounds[item][1] != self.bounds[item][2]): sample = self.sampler(self.bounds[item]) x_new[i] = sample i+=1 return x_new def temp(self,step): #""" # Function to anneal temperature #""" if self.cooling=='fast': Tfac = -np.log(float(self.Tmax) / self.Tmin) T = self.Tmax * np.exp( Tfac * step / self.steps) elif self.cooling=='boltzmann': T = self.Tmax / np.log(step + 1) elif self.cooling=='cauchy': T = self.Tmax / (step + 1) # Paul elif self.cooling=='equilibrium': accept_rate = np.mean(self.accepts) sigma = np.std(self.accepted_energy) g_rho = 4 * accept_rate * (1 - accept_rate)**2 / ((2 - accept_rate)**2) T = np.max([1 / (1 / self.T + self.lmbda * (1 / sigma) * (self.T / sigma)**2 * g_rho),self.Tmin]) else: raise Exception ('--error: unknown cooling mode is entered, fast, boltzmann, cauchy, or equilibrium are ONLY allowed') return T def chain_object(self,inp): #""" #This function is a multiprocessing object, used to be passed to Pool, that respresents #an individual SA chain. #Input: # inp: a list contains the following inputs in order # inp[0] --> x0: initial guess to chain # inp[1] --> E0: initial energy of x0 # inp[2] --> min_step: min step to start this chain # inp[3] --> max_step: max step to terminate this chain # inp[4] --> core_seed: seed for this chain #returns: # x_best, E_best: best obtained from this chain # T: last temperature for this chain # accepts, rejects, improves for this chain #""" x_prev=copy.deepcopy(inp[0]) x_best=copy.deepcopy(x_prev) E_prev=inp[1] E_best=inp[1] min_step=inp[2] max_step=inp[3] core_seed=inp[4] if not (self.seed is None): random.seed(self.seed + core_seed) np.random.seed(self.seed + core_seed) rejects=0; accepts=0; improves=0 k=min_step if self.cooling == 'equilibrium':#Paul. T = copy.deepcopy(self.T)#Paul accepted_energy = []#Paul while k <= max_step: if self.cooling != 'equilibrium': #Paul. if updated here may not return nan in first few steps T=self.temp(step=k) if self.move_func is None: x=copy.deepcopy(self.move(x=x_prev,chi=self.chi[core_seed-1])) else: x=copy.deepcopy(self.move(x=x_prev)) x=self.ensure_bounds(x) #SA is programmed to maximize reward E=self.fit_worker(x) dE = E - E_prev #----------------------------------- # Improve/Accept/Reject #----------------------------------- if dE > 0: #improvement improves += 1 accepts += 1 x_prev = copy.deepcopy(x) E_prev = E if E > E_best: x_best = copy.deepcopy(x) E_best = E if self.cooling == 'equilibrium':# Paul accepted_energy.append(E) elif np.exp(dE/T) >= random.random(): #accept the state accepts += 1 x_prev = copy.deepcopy(x) E_prev = E if self.cooling == 'equilibrium':# Paul accepted_energy.append(E) else: # Reject the new solution (maintain the current state!) rejects += 1 k+=1 if self.cooling == 'equilibrium':#Paul. return x_prev, E_prev, T, accepts, rejects, improves, x_best, E_best,accepted_energy else: return x_prev, E_prev, T, accepts, rejects, improves, x_best, E_best def chain(self, x0, E0, step0): #""" #This function creates ``ncores`` independent SA chains with same initial guess x0, E0 and #runs them via multiprocessing Pool. #Input: # x0: initial input guess (comes from previous annealing chains or from replay memory) # E0: energy/fitness value of x0 # step0: is the first time step to use for temperature annealing # npop: total number of individuals to be evaluated in this annealing stage #returns: # x_best, E_best, and T obtained from this annealing stage from all chains #""" #Append and prepare the input list to be passed as input to core_list=[] core_step_min=step0 for j in range(1,self.ncores+1): core_step_max=step0+j*self.npop-1 core_list.append([x0[j-1], E0[j-1], core_step_min, core_step_max, j]) core_step_min=core_step_max+1 if self.ncores > 1: with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=self.ncores) as parallel: results=parallel(joblib.delayed(self.chain_object)(item) for item in core_list) else: results=[] results.append(list(self.chain_object(core_list[0]))) # Determine the index and the best solution from all chains #best_index=[y[0] for y in results].index(min([y[0] for y in results])) self.x_last=[item[0] for item in results] self.E_last=[item[1] for item in results] self.T=results[-1][2] # get the temperature of the last chain self.accepts=[np.round(item[3]/self.npop*100,1) for item in results] #convert to rate self.rejects=[np.round(item[4]/self.npop*100,1) for item in results] #convert to rate self.improves=[np.round(item[5]/self.npop*100,1) for item in results] #convert to rate if self.cooling == 'equilibrium':#Paul self.accepted_energy = [item[8] for item in results]#Paul self.accepted_energy = [elem for energy in self.accepted_energy for elem in energy] if np.std(self.accepted_energy) == 0: # prevent the std to be 0 pass else: self.T=self.temp(step=None) self.x_best, self.E_best=[item[6] for item in results], [item[7] for item in results] return self.x_last, self.E_last, self.T, self.accepts, self.rejects, self.improves, self.x_best, self.E_best def InitChains(self, x0=None): #initialize the chain and run them in parallel (these samples will be used to initialize the annealing process) #Establish the chain if x0: if self.ncores==1: if not any(isinstance(el, list) for el in x0): #ensure a list of list is submitted for ncores=1 x0=[x0] assert len(x0) == self.ncores, '--error: the length of x0 ({}) MUST equal the number of ncores/parallel chains ({})'.format(len(x0), self.ncores) for i in range(len(x0)): check_mixed_individual(x=x0[i], bounds=self.orig_bounds) #assert the type provided is consistent if self.grid_flag: x0[i] = encode_grid_indv_to_discrete(x0[i], bounds=self.orig_bounds, bounds_map=self.bounds_map) else: x0=[] for i in range (self.ncores): x0.append(self.GenInd(self.bounds)) #Evaluate the swarm if self.ncores > 1: #evaluate chain in parallel core_list=[] for ind in x0: core_list.append(ind) with joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=self.ncores) as parallel: E0=parallel(joblib.delayed(self.fit_worker)(item) for item in core_list) if self.cooling == 'equilibrium': # Paul self.T = np.max([self.alpha * np.std(E0),self.Tmin,1e-10]) else: #evaluate swarm in series E0=[] for ind in x0: fitness=self.fit_worker(ind) E0.append(fitness) return x0, E0 #return initial guess and initial fitness
[docs] def evolute(self, ngen, x0=None, verbose=False): """ This function evolutes the SA algorithm for number of generations. :param ngen: (int) number of generations to evolute :param x0: (list of lists) initial samples to start the evolution (``len(x0)`` must be equal to ``ncores``) :param verbose: (int) print statistics to screen :return: (tuple) (best individual, best fitness, and dictionary containing major search results) """ #chain statistics #self.accept=0 #self.reject=0 #self.improve=0 stat={'x':[], 'fitness':[], 'T':[], 'accept':[], 'reject':[], 'improve':[]} E_opt=-np.inf step0=1 self.steps=ngen * self.npop if x0: if isinstance(x0[0], list): if not all(len(item) == len(x0[0]) for item in x0): raise Exception ('--error: the variable x0 must be a list of lists, and all internal lists must have same length.') else: x0=[x0] assert len(x0) == self.ncores, '--error: Length of initial guesses x0 ({}) for chains do not equal to ncores or # of chains ({})'.format(len(x0), self.ncores) assert len(x0[0]) == len(self.bounds), '--error: Length of every list in x0 ({}) do not equal to the size of parameter space in bounds ({})'.format(len(x0[0]), len(self.bounds)) xinit, Einit=self.InitChains(x0=x0) else: xinit, Einit=self.InitChains() x_next=copy.deepcopy(xinit) E_next=copy.deepcopy(Einit) ngen=int(ngen/self.ncores) for i in range (ngen): #if self.cooling == 'equilibrium':# Paul # self.accepted_energy = [] # initialize list of accepted energy to empty at step i x_next,E_next,self.T, acc, rej, imp, x_best, E_best=self.chain(x0=x_next, E0=E_next, step0=step0) step0=step0+self.npop*self.ncores arg_max=np.argmax(E_best) stat['x'].append(x_best[arg_max]) if self.mode=='max': stat['fitness'].append(max(E_best)) else: stat['fitness'].append(-max(E_best)) stat['T'].append(self.T) stat['accept'].append(acc[arg_max]) stat['reject'].append(rej[arg_max]) stat['improve'].append(imp[arg_max]) if max(E_best) > E_opt: E_opt=max(E_best) x_opt=copy.deepcopy(x_best[arg_max]) if self.cooling == 'equilibrium': # Paul if np.mean(self.accepts) <= self.threshold: # help prevent the std to be 0 print("--warning: The SA stopped because the average acceptance rate throughout the chain {} % falls below the threshold {} %".format(np.mean(self.accepts),self.threshold)) break elif np.mean(self.accepts) == 0: print("--warning: The SA stopped because the average acceptance rate throughout the chain {} % reaches 0%".format(np.mean(self.accepts),self.threshold)) break # Paul if self.reinforce_best == 'hard': x_next=[x_opt]*self.ncores E_next=[E_opt]*self.ncores elif self.reinforce_best == 'soft': sampling = np.zeros(self.ncores) normalization = 1 / np.sum(np.exp(- np.abs(E_next) / self.T)) # cte to generate a probability sampling[0] = np.exp(- abs(E_next[0]) / self.T) # utilize last accepted solution to generate the sampling if self.ncores != 1: rho = np.random.uniform(0,1,size = self.ncores) # sample random number between 0 and 1 else: rho = [1] # probability of choosing itself is 1 for i in range(1,self.ncores): sampling[i] = sampling[i - 1] + np.exp(- abs(E_next[i]) / self.T) sampling = sampling * normalization for count,prob in enumerate(rho): if prob == 1: index = self.ncores - 1 elif math.isnan(sampling[count]):# exponantial can lead to numerical erros index = np.argmax(E_next) else: if prob <= sampling[0]: index = 0 else: index = np.where(sampling > rho)[0][0] x_next[count] = x_best[index] # re-initialize with the best ever found by the index'th Markov Chain E_next[count] = E_best[index] #mir-grid if self.grid_flag: x_opt_correct = decode_discrete_to_grid(x_opt, self.orig_bounds, self.bounds_map) else: x_opt_correct = x_opt if verbose: print('***********************************************************************') print('SA step {}/{}, T={}, Ncores={}, Cooling={}, Reinforce={}'.format(step0-1,self.steps,np.round(self.T), self.ncores, self.cooling, self.reinforce_best)) print('***********************************************************************') print('Statistics for the {} parallel chains'.format(self.ncores)) if self.mode=='max': print('Best fitness:', np.round(max(E_best),6)) else: print('Best fitness:', -np.round(max(E_best),6)) print('Best individual:', x_opt_correct) print('Acceptance Rate (%):', acc) print('Rejection Rate (%):', rej) print('Improvment Rate (%):', imp) print('***********************************************************************') #--mir if self.mode=='max': self.E_opt_correct=E_opt else: self.E_opt_correct=-E_opt if verbose: print('------------------------ SA Summary --------------------------') print('Best fitness (y) found:', self.E_opt_correct) print('Best individual (x) found:', x_opt_correct) print('--------------------------------------------------------------') if self.equilib_deactivate: #Paul. print("-- warning: equilibrium cooling is implemented ONLY for ncores > 1. The cooling is changed to default cooling --> 'fast'") return x_opt_correct, self.E_opt_correct, stat