3. Example 3: Welded-beam design

Example of solving the heavily-constrained engineering optimization problem “Welded-beam design” using NEORL with the ES algorithm tuned with Bayesian search.

3.1. Summary

  • Algorithms: ES, Bayesian search for tuning

  • Type: Continuous, Single-objective, Constrained

  • Field: Structural Engineering

3.2. Problem Description

The welded beam is a common engineering optimisation problem with an objective to find an optimal set of the dimensions \(h=x_1\), \(l=x_2\), \(t=x_3\), and \(b=x_4\) such that the fabrication cost of the beam is minimized. This problem is a continuous optimisation problem. See the Figure below for graphical details of the beam dimensions (\(h, l, t, b\)) to be optimised.

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The cost of the welded beam is formulated as

\[\min_{\vec{x}} f (\vec{x}) = 1.10471x_1^2x_2 + 0.04811x_3x_4 (14+x_2),\]

subject to 7 rules/constraints, the first on the shear stress (\(\tau\))

\[g_1(\vec{x}) = \tau(\vec{x}) - \tau_{max} \leq 0,\]

the second on the bending stress (\(\sigma\))

\[g_2(\vec{x}) = \sigma(\vec{x}) - \sigma_{max} \leq 0,\]

three side constraints

\[g_3(\vec{x}) = x_1 - x_4 \leq 0,\]
\[g_4(\vec{x}) = 0.10471x_1^2 + 0.04811x_3x_4 (14+x_2) - 5 \leq 0,\]
\[g_5(\vec{x}) = 0.125 - x_1 \leq 0,\]

the sixth on the end deflection of the beam (\(\delta\))

\[g_6(\vec{x}) = \delta(\vec{x}) - \delta_{max} \leq 0,\]

and the last on the buckling load on the bar (\(P_c\))

\[g_7(\vec{x}) = P - P_{c}(\vec{x}) \leq 0,\]

while the range of the design variables are:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split} 0.1 \leq x_1 \leq 2 &, \quad 0.1 \leq x_2 \leq 10, \\ 0.1 \leq x_3 \leq 10 &, \quad 0.1 \leq x_4 \leq 2. \\ \end{split}\end{split}\]

The derived variables and their related constants are expressed as follows:

\[\tau(\vec{x}) = \sqrt{(\tau')^2 + 2\tau' \tau'' \frac{x_2}{2R}+(\tau'')^2},\]
\[\tau' = \frac{P}{\sqrt{2}x_1x_2}, \tau''=\frac{MR}{J}, M= P (L+x_2/2),\]
\[R= \sqrt{\frac{x_2^2}{4}+\frac{(x_1+x_3)^2}{4}},\]
\[J= 2\Bigg[\sqrt{2}x_1x_2 \Bigg(\frac{x_2^2}{12} + \frac{(x_1+x_3)^2}{4} \Bigg) \Bigg],\]
\[\sigma(\vec{x}) = \frac{6PL}{x_4x_3^2},\]
\[\delta(\vec{x}) = \frac{4PL^3}{Ex_3^3x_4},\]
\[P_c(\vec{x}) = \frac{4.013E\sqrt{\frac{x_3^2x_4^6}{36}}}{L^2}\Bigg(1-\frac{x_3}{2L}\sqrt{\frac{E}{4G}}\Bigg),\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{split} P &= 6000 \text{ lb} , L =14 \text{ in}, E=30\times 10^6 \text{ psi}, \\ G &= 12 \times 10^6 \text{ psi}, \\ \tau_{max} & =13,600 \text{ psi}, \sigma_{max} = 30,000 \text{ psi}, \delta_{max} = 0.25 \text{ in} \end{split}\end{split}\]

3.3. NEORL script

# Import packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import sqrt
from neorl.tune import BAYESTUNE
from neorl import ES

# Part I: Original Problem
#Define the fitness function (for the welded beam)
def BEAM(x):

    y = 1.10471*x[0]**2*x[1]+0.04811*x[2]*x[3]*(14.0+x[1])

    # parameters
    P = 6000; L = 14; E = 30e+6; G = 12e+6;
    t_max = 13600; s_max = 30000; d_max = 0.25;

    M = P*(L+x[1]/2)
    R = sqrt(0.25*(x[1]**2+(x[0]+x[2])**2))
    J = 2*(sqrt(2)*x[0]*x[1]*(x[1]**2/12+0.25*(x[0]+x[2])**2));
    P_c = (4.013*E/(6*L**2))*x[2]*x[3]**3*(1-0.25*x[2]*sqrt(E/G)/L);
    t1 = P/(sqrt(2)*x[0]*x[1]); t2 = M*R/J;
    t = sqrt(t1**2+t1*t2*x[1]/R+t2**2);
    s = 6*P*L/(x[3]*x[2]**2)
    d = 4*P*L**3/(E*x[3]*x[2]**3);
    # Constraints
    g1 = t-t_max; #done
    g2 = s-s_max; #done
    g3 = x[0]-x[3];
    g4 = 0.10471*x[0]**2+0.04811*x[2]*x[3]*(14.0+x[1])-5.0;
    g5 = 0.125-x[0];
    g6 = d-d_max;
    g7 = P-P_c; #done


    phi=sum(max(item,0) for item in g_round)
    viol=sum(float(num) > 0 for num in g_round)

    reward = (y + (w1*phi + w2*viol))

    return reward

# Part II: Setup parameter space
#--setup the parameter space for the welded beam
lb=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
ub=[2.0, 10, 10, 2.0]
d2type=['float', 'float', 'float', 'float']
for i in range(nx):
    BOUNDS['x'+str(i+1)]=[d2type[i], lb[i], ub[i]]

# Part III: Define fitness function for hyperparameter tuning
def tune_fit(cxpb, mu, alpha, cxmode, mutpb):

    #--setup the ES algorithm
    es=ES(mode='min', bounds=BOUNDS, fit=BEAM, lambda_=80, mu=mu, mutpb=mutpb, alpha=alpha,
         cxmode=cxmode, cxpb=cxpb, ncores=1, seed=1)

    #--Evolute the ES object and obtains y_best
    #--turn off verbose for less algorithm print-out when tuning
    x_best, y_best, es_hist=es.evolute(ngen=100, verbose=0)

    return y_best #returns the best score

# Part IV: Tuning
#Setup the parameter space for Bayesian optimisation
#VERY IMPORTANT: The order of these parameters MUST be similar to their order in tune_fit
#see tune_fit
#def tune_fit(cxpb, mu, alpha, cxmode):
'cxpb': ['float', 0.1, 0.7],             #cxpb is first (low=0.1, high=0.8, type=float/continuous)
'mu':   ['int', 30, 60],                 #mu is second (low=30, high=60, type=int/discrete)
'alpha':['grid', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4]],    #alpha is third (grid with fixed values, type=grid/categorical)
'cxmode':['grid', ['blend', 'cx2point']],
'mutpb': ['float', 0.05, 0.3]}  #cxmode is fourth (grid with fixed values, type=grid/categorical)

#setup a bayesian tune object
btune=BAYESTUNE(param_grid=param_grid, fit=tune_fit, ncases=30)
#tune the parameters with method .tune
bayesres=btune.tune(ncores=1, csvname='bayestune.csv', verbose=True)

print('----Top 10 hyperparameter sets----')
bayesres = bayesres[bayesres['score'] >= 1] #drop the cases with scores < 1 (violates the constraints)
bayesres = bayesres.sort_values(['score'], axis='index', ascending=True) #rank the scores from best (lowest) to worst (high)
print(bayesres.iloc[0:10,:])   #the results are saved in dataframe and ranked from best to worst

# Part V: Rerun ES with the best hyperparameter set
es=ES(mode='min', bounds=BOUNDS, fit=BEAM, lambda_=80, mu=bayesres['mu'].iloc[0],
      mutpb=bayesres['mutpb'].iloc[0], alpha=bayesres['alpha'].iloc[0],
      cxmode=bayesres['cxmode'].iloc[0], cxpb=bayesres['cxpb'].iloc[0],
      ncores=1, seed=1)

x_best, y_best, es_hist=es.evolute(ngen=100, verbose=0)

print('Best fitness (y) found:', y_best)
print('Best individual (x) found:', x_best)

# Plot
#Plot fitness convergence
plt.plot(es_hist['local_fitness'], label='ES')
plt.savefig('ex3_fitness.png',format='png', dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")

3.4. Results

After Bayesian hyperparameter tuning, the top 10 are

----Top 10 hyperparameter sets----
        cxpb  mu  alpha    cxmode     mutpb     score
13  0.140799  35    0.3     blend  0.110994  1.849573
18  0.139643  37    0.3     blend  0.094496  1.925569
25  0.341248  39    0.1  cx2point  0.197213  2.098090
1   0.177505  32    0.3     blend  0.088050  2.144512
20  0.100000  35    0.3     blend  0.104131  2.198990
22  0.218197  30    0.3     blend  0.114197  2.228448
17  0.364451  34    0.3     blend  0.102634  2.235059
24  0.145365  42    0.3     blend  0.200532  2.292646
19  0.100000  55    0.3     blend  0.104209  2.349494
6   0.573142  38    0.4  cx2point  0.223231  2.349795

After re-running the problem with the best hyperparameter set, the convergence of the fitness function is shown below

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while the best \(\vec{x} (x_1-x_4)\) and \(y=f(x)\) (minimum beam cost) are:

Best fitness (y) found: 1.849572817626747
Best individual (x) found: [0.18756483308730693, 4.053366828472939, 8.731994883504612, 0.2231022567643955]